Cocolime Fitness

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Roasted Pistachio Pumpkin Maple Nut Butter / GF SF RSF


  • 1 whole bag shelled and roasted pistachios

  • 1/2 cup roasted pumpkin seeds

  • 1 teaspoon sea salt

  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup


  • Heat a 425 degree oven and line a sheet pan with parchment paper

  • Place shelled pistachios and pumpkin seeds evenly on your baking sheet and bake for a few minutes until the nuts and seeds are lightly browned. Toss frequently to prevent burning

  • Let cool

  • Add your cooled nuts, salt and maple syrup to the dry container of a high speed blender.

  • With your plunger slowly press mixture down while the blender in on low-medium speed, ramping up the speed as the mixture becomes more smooth.

  • Once the mixture is to your desired consistency stop the blender.

  • Add to a sealed container and keep in the fridge.

  • Enjoy on your favorite gluten free bread or ice cream.