Why should I do exercise for fibromyalgia & fatigue that is fun over exercise that is difficult and intense? Will I still be able to get in shape this way? 

Unfortunately in the fitness world today the trend is to push yourself to extremes, to jump higher, lift heavier, squat until you drop, etc., but if you do not enjoy these types of workouts and they become more of a burden for you to do than a joy, they become harmful to your body because they are adding extra stress to your already stressed out lives, instead of being a source of refreshment and rejuvenation, which should be one of the main benefits of exercise. The more stress we have in our daily lives, even if it is in the form of intense exercise, the more probability that we will stay inflamed and sick, which in the long run causes weight gain and muscle loss. Plus if you don’t enjoy your exercise routine, you won’t be consistent with it, which is the key to looking and feeling better long term…. Doing something super intense, and exhausting 1-2 times a week is not as healthy or beneficial as doing something fun and rejuvenating 5-6 times a week, even if it is less challenging. Trust me! Our bodies are designed to move but in a natural way that feels good to us, not in a way that makes us want to throw up…

Note: If you are dealing with chronic sickness this is extremely important to remember! Try to get out of the mindset that you need to push yourself to extremes to see changes in the way you look. This is just not true… 


How long will it take for me to see results from doing your exercises for fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, etc? 


How do I safely do these workouts so as to prevent unnecessary fatigue or pain afterwards?