Exercising with Fibromyalgia

Workouts where pain fades and energy blooms. Step into your Cocolime Oasis.

Let me guess, you want to lose weight and get in shape, but pain, fatigue, and other symptoms of fibromyalgia seem to make it an impossible task…

When you do get the courage to try exercising again, you soon find yourself in a crash that lasts for days…

Or maybe your fibromyalgia pain flares when you try traditional workout routines…

And so finally your left with just doing light stretching, which doesn’t hurt, but doesn’t get much results either…

Watch the video and learn what makes my exercise method unique and effective for fibromyalgia.

You’re in the right place…

If any of the above is very familiar to you, I’m so happy you’re here because you’re in the right place!

Hi, my name is Suzanne, and I’m a personal trainer and fitness instructor that has battled with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue for years. I fell into the traps listed above over and over again until I decided to create my own unique method of exercising with this chronic condition.

I’ve been able to help thousands of individuals just like you who are dealing with fibromyalgia, fatigue, and more, to lose tons of weight, get in shape, gain more energy, reduce daily pain, and get much of their old life back!

Member Testimonials

Casey Fletcher

Fibromyalgia & IBS

I dropped two dresses and I have got muscle definition without it being bulky and I feel great!”

Ashley Titus

Fibromyalgia & Rheumatoid Arthritis

“I have been so helped by Suzanne's workouts - they are the only workouts I can do without giving up and stopping, and her workouts helped me to lose 40 pounds! I used to have zero hope that I would ever be in shape as someone with a chronic illness…”

Angie Dober

Scoliosis & Fibromyalgia

“Thanks to Cocolime Fitness I have less pain, increased strength and flexibility, my skin is clearer and softer, and I have lost 35 pounds. I will be eternally grateful!”

Fibromyalgia Pain Relief Exercises

Exercising can still be fun!

Dance Routines

Toning & Pilates

Workouts with Weights

Cardio & MIIT Routines

Stretching Exercises

In addition to helping you get in shape without crashing, my goal with Cocolime Fitness is to help you reduce fibromyalgia pain and fatigue, as well. It’s really amazing how low-impact exercises, when performed correctly and in the right sequence, can help you accomplish both goals. My clients view exercise as a major component of their fibromyalgia treatment.

Cocolime Fitness provides you with a wide variety of exercises:

  • aerobic exercise

  • strength training

  • effective stretching

  • all-standing or all-seated routines

  • barre-lates

  • dance workouts

  • bodyweight only workouts

  • workouts with weights

  • targeted workouts for specific areas

The Benefits of a Medium Intensity Workout

  • It gets your lymphatic system moving, helping to prevent inflammatory diseases and decreases the risk of irregular heartbeat that can lead to heart failure and a stroke.

  • It rejuvenates your body while reducing the stress hormone, cortisol, preventing unnecessary fatigue and belly fat long term! 

  • It is less draining and challenging on your body, allowing for a faster recovery time, less chances of unnecessary pain and injury, and more energy reserves for the rest of your day so you can get more accomplished.

  • It is super effective because it still challenges your muscles, keeping them toned and working at their fullest capacity!

All my workouts are medium intensity.

Why Cocolime Fitness is Ideal for Fibromyalgia:

  • Low-Impact Workouts: Gentle exercises that minimize pain and discomfort.

  • Pain Management: Designed to help alleviate fibromyalgia symptoms and improve your quality of life.

  • Flexible Scheduling: Workout at your own pace and convenience, from the comfort of your home.

  • Energy Boosting: Increase your energy levels without overexertion.

  • Expert Guidance: Developed by Suzanne, who understands the challenges of chronic conditions and ensures empathy and understanding in every workout.

It's time to Cocolime!

Click on a product to learn more:

Worried about crashing?

If you’re here because you’ve tried about a million different things without success, you’re definitely not alone. I created Cocolime Fitness because of that very problem! There just wasn’t anything out there that was right in that sweet spot to help me get fit, without making me crash. And if you read the testimonials of our members, you’ll find so many that thought they could never workout again, but now they’ve lost tons of weight, are feeling much better and are getting much of their old life back!

You can do it, too. I promise! During your first two to four weeks of regular exercise with Cocolime Fitness your body will get used to a new range of motion, stiff muscles will loosen up, and you’ll start feeling better! My programs and routines are designed to be balanced in the perfect way so you will get real results, while also learning how to listen to your body so you never overdo it.

At the very start you and your body will be learning new things, so don’t worry if it feels too challenging. I’ll teach you how to know when to skip one of the moves, take breaks, and modify a move if needed.

Or you might feel the routines are too easy because you’ve been taught that if you don’t push yourself hard, you won’t get results. However, if you continue with my method as designed, you’ll avoid accidentally overdoing it, while still getting great results because you’ll be able to do these workouts consistently. Believe me, you can tone up with Cocolime Fitness all on it’s own.

Cocolime Fitness will help you get real results without overdoing it and help you get back to being you. Believe in yourself! You can do it and it’s my privilege to help you get there.

COMMUNITY is my private Fibromyalgia Support Group for all you warriors out there that are determined to keep working on your fitness goals despite pain, fatigue, flare-ups, etc.

It’s so comforting to know that there are others out there dealing with the same things you are, and who better to ask when you’re not sure what to do next, right? Feel free to ask questions, share your successes, and some of the struggles you’re facing. You’ll get some nice encouragement and tips to help you keep going.

Here is also the best place to message me directly. I do my best to respond very quickly, often with a voicemail! It’s always a treat for me to get to know you personally. And when you share your story, it helps me take Cocolime Fitness in new directions to meet the ever changing needs we all have.


I know some of you may be hesitant to start a fitness program or are not sure where to start. Well, why not ask the Community? It’s FREE to join! So, what are you waiting for? Join us today and become an honorary Coconut 🥥!

There’s an app for that!

My Community is hosted on an app called Circle that you can access here on my site or through an app for Apple and Android devices!

The app is great because you can receive notifications, leave each other messages and voicemails, etc. It’s super convenient and easy to use! I know you’ll find it useful.

To get started:

  1. Click on the Join button on this page to setup your account.

  2. Install the Circle app to your device.

  3. Login with your new account name & password.

Features & Benefits

Here are some of the things you’ll get with Community:

  • Announcements: I like to share what’s new with my Community members first, so you’ll know just what’s coming around the corner.

  • Polls: Many of the features of Cocolime Fitness came from your suggestions. I built this for you, so I want to know what your needs and wants are. I often run polls to get your feedback on what types of workouts to make next. I really appreciate your input!

  • Challenge Groups: From time to time I setup a challenge for anyone to sign-up for. When you do so, I pair you up with a buddy so you have someone to check in with each day to help you keep going.

  • Make Your Own Challenges: If you’re looking for someone to join you in a personal challenge, feel free to ask. It may just be the motivation someone else needed as well!

  • Direct Message Me: I’m happy to get to know you and help with your questions. In Community you can message me directly and I’ll get back to you very soon.

  • Share Your Success Stories: A win is a win, no matter how small, so share them! It’s so encouraging to hear how everyone is faring and it gives us all ideas that we can try as well.

  • Ask Questions: This is a great resource for you to get helpful tips. You’ll find the community members will share their own experiences related to your question, giving you ideas of what you can try for yourself.

  • Make New Friends: I know it’s hard to deal with a chronic illness by yourself. You need to be able to share with others that get what you’re going through. Reach out to others in the community. It’s a beautiful place to get the encouragement you need.